After looking over the GLSEN website the article that stuck out to me the most was the "No Name-Calling Week" article. The article basically talks about a project that the organization does to prevent kids from bullying and name calling. Recently my brother, who is in middle school got involved in a so called bullying situation. It was a couple of weeks ago that my brothers school called home. Meanwhile my brother is a little bit of a trouble maker. However he isn't one to bully people. So my mom gets a phone call from the assistant principle saying that a mother called saying that my brother had bullied him and was really upset. so naturally my mother got the call and was furious. she gave him to whole story about how you can't pick on other kids and so on. However my brother denied the whole thing. he told us he was defending another girl in the class. My brother was so upset he was upstairs crying the rest of the night. so the next day my mom gets a call from this little girls mother. the mother of the little girl thanks my mom for my brother sticking up and defending her daughter. My mom a little thrown off asked her what exactly had happened. The little girls mother begins going on and on telling my mom about how this little boy would tease her daughter and make fun of her almost everyday. She told my mom that her daughter would come home crying just about everyday from school, and the mother had called the school a couple of times to address it, but they never really did anything. The mother also said that my brother had seen this other little boy teasing her daughter and he stepped in and actually said something to this little boy. after hearing this story i was so proud of my brother for doing that. however the little boy was embarrassed and told the teacher that my brother had been bullying him, and once the teacher heard that he was sent to the office. after the whole thing was cleared up my brother wasn't in trouble and the little boy ended up getting a good talking to my administration as well as his parents. after reading the article about no-name calling week and hearing this story about my brother i just feel that more people should be like this. also that there should be more focus on this subject. sometimes i feel as if it is so overlooked in schools today and people are to passive about name-calling. names really hurt and it just seems wrong that we don't put enough emphasis on it.
I believe that this No name-calling week should be used in more schools than it already is. i believe that it such a good thing for schools to do, because I think sometimes we over look things. for example if my brother never said anything that little girl probably would have been bullied for the rest of the year maybe even longer. i think that organization is a very good thing to incorporate into schools. It's a topic that we as teachers should be aware of especially in the middle school and high school levels, because no kid should ever have to experience something like that.
I wanted to talk in class if anyone has every done something like this at there schools. I have never heard of this. But i also found another similar even which i thought was cool. The website is:
I completely agree with your point. If everyone took name calling alittle more serious then the bullying and teasing would lessen. I hear friends talk to each other all the time calling each other whores an sluts and it makes me think of this also because if it is okay for a friend to be mean to you then why wouldn't someone else think its okay as well. People need to be more respectful and treat others as they would like to be treated.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the No name-calling week should be used in more schools. It is a big step for schools to make and it can only help in the long run. Bullying and teasing is such a big problem in a lot of schools and through my observations at the school I go to, I can see that it has gotten worse since I was in school.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree entirely. So many people see name calling as a childish idea that is just joking and a laughing matter..but it hurts, a lot. People need to realize that more. I definately agree that a no name calling week should be mandatory for all schools of all levels. People are getting meaner and meaner. The names people are called shock me even now and would never have even dared to be called aloud when I was in school =(
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your point Courtney about no name calling week in schools. I think it would be beneficial to everyone involved. And I have to say I love what your little brother did for that girl J I also agree with Marisa’s point about name calling between friends, especially between girls. For example, like Marisa said, whores and sluts. Who honestly wants to be called that? If we start using words like that and claiming that it’s a compliment then other people are going to come around and think that its okay to use those terms when it really isn’t. I just don’t understand.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with no name-calling week. This brings me back to the question I used in my blog, why can't everyone just get along? If you don't like someone then why can't they just leave them alone and go about their own business. It's one thing to joke around with someone but to actually harass someone every single day is way too much and things could get out of control.
ReplyDeleteWow. It is so good to hear that there really are children who stick up for one another. It is a shame how the kid who was bullying couldn't admit it. It's almost like bullying through technology. Kids are afraid of the confrontation now because they know that they can hide behind computer screens or cell phones. I am really happy to hear that your brother could step out of his way to help another classmate and I can only hope that my brother would do the same.
ReplyDeleteGood for your brother! Thats awesome - I agree with you, kids shouldn't be afraid to go to school, they should not only have no name calling week but no name calling AT ALL. Children shouldn't have to wake up in the morning and wonder how much they'll be picked on that day... They should go to school and look forward to the day...